Monday, August 28, 2017



Many people wonders about if a person who commits sucide, will they go to Heaven? I will answer you about that but first, lets go through the Word of God, about this.

Exodus 20:13 You shall not kill (should have been translated, “Thou shalt do no murder”; God, in His Holy Word, commands magistrates to put evil men to death [Rom. 13:4]; that is not murder; to “kill” and to “commit murder” are two different verbs in the Hebrew Text).

1 Corinthians 3:16-17 Know you not that you are the Temple of God (where the Holy Spirit abides), and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? (That makes the Born-Again Believer His permanent Home.) 17 If any man defile the Temple of God (our physical bodies must be a living Sacrifice, which means that we stay Holy by ever making the Cross the Object of our Faith [Rom. 12:1]), him shall God destroy (to fail to function in God’s Prescribed Order [the Cross], opens the Believer up to Satan, which will ultimately result in destruction); for the Temple of God is Holy, which Temple you are. (We are “Holy”by virtue of being “in Christ.”We remain Holy by the Work of the Holy Spirit, Who demands that our Faith ever be in the Cross, which has made all of this possible.)

Ecclesiastes 7:17 Be not over much wicked, neither be you foolish: why should you die before your time? (This is not meant that it is satisfactory in the Eyes of God to be “wicked” in a small degree. It does mean that our situation is already perilous, and to aggravate our sinfulness could bring upon us the wrath of God, with our life cut short.)

1 Corinthians 6:19-20 What? (By this time, you should know!) do you not know that your body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit which is in you (actually refers to the human body of the Born-Again Believer as being a Sanctuary of the Holy Spirit), which you have of God (means that it’s all of God and must be treated accordingly), and you are not your own? (We belong to the Lord.) 20 For you are bought with a price (the price was the shed Blood of Christ at Calvary): therefore Glorify God in your body (the house of the Spirit), and in your spirit (the use of the house), which are God’s (because we were created by God, and have been purchased at great price).

Deuteronomy 30:19 I call Heaven and Earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, Blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both you and your seed may live (once again, the choice was theirs; the way had been made crystal clear to them; therefore, they could not claim ignorance):

Romans 10:13 For whosoever (anyone, anywhere) shall call upon the Name of the Lord shall be Saved (speaks of the sinner coming to Christ, but can refer to any Believer and with whatever need; the Cross is the means by which all of this is done).

John 10:28 And I give unto them Eternal Life (carries with it a promise that cannot be matched elsewhere under any circumstances); and they shall never perish (means that no Believer need ever fear that God will change His Mind respecting their Salvation), neither shall any man pluck them out of My Hand (refers to any and all outside forces; however, if one so desires, one can take one’s self out of His Hand, which regrettably millions have done).

Now, not my answer but, God's Answer to the question, Do those who commit suicide, go to Heaven?

Yes and no. If they were not in their right mind and if they had Faith and in Jesus  Christ, the Cross and in Him Crucified and have Repented upon taking their last breath will be Saved.
Now no, if they did not have any condition that left them in any health issues that brought them to the state of murdering themselves and if they knew what they were doing, speaking of committing suicide, I would have to say that they did not make it to Heaven but, my answer is this, when one commits suicide, I would have to leave that, in the Hands of God because, we really don't know, if they were in their right mind or not.

According to what we have read, I would rather make it to the end because, this body that my soul is in, is a rental and it and this life I live, all belongs to God and I will Edify and Glorify God in it, until God decides to Reapture me Home.

God Bless

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