Tuesday, August 29, 2017



1 Corinthians 6:1-5 Dare any of you, having a matter against another, go to Law before the unjust (this situation had evidently been brought to Paul’s attention by the House of Chloe [1:11]), and not before the Saints? (This portrays what our Lord proclaimed as He laid down the rule for “Believers” to settle quarrels among themselves [Mat. 18:15-17].) 2 Do you not know that the Saints shall judge the world? (This refers to the Millennial and Eternal Reigns of Jesus Christ and His Saints.) and if the world shall be judged by you, are you unworthy to judge the smallest matters? (This presents a fitting rebuke.) 3 Know you not that we shall judge Angels? (This only pertains to those Angels who fell with Lucifer [II Pet. 2:4; Jude, Vs. 6; Rev. 20:10].) how much more things that pertain to this life? (The statement regards this present life as being elementary in comparison to that life to come.) 4 If then you have judgments of things pertaining to this life (seems like there were many quarrels in the Church at Corinth), set them to judge who are least esteemed in the Church (presents Paul again using irony). 5 I speak to your shame (I shouldn’t have to say these things). Is it so, that there is not a wise man among you? (The question drips with sarcasm.) N o, not one who shall be able to judge between his Brethren? (This is asked in the Greek in a manner which demands an affirmative answer. “Of course there is!”) 6 But brother goes to Law with brother, and that before the unbelievers (a bad example!). 7 Now therefore there is utterly a fault among you, because you go to Law one with another (should not be among Christians). Why do you not rather take wrong? (This portrays the perfect example of uncrucified self.) why do ye not rather suffer yourselves to be defrauded? (It is better to suffer material loss, than to suffer spiritual loss.) 8 No, you do wrong, and defraud, and that your Brethren (to defraud anyone is bad enough, but to defraud a fellow Brother in the Lord is worse still!).

God's Word alone, is clear enough.

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