Tuesday, September 5, 2017



Roman 8:1-5 There is therefore now no condemnation (guilt) to them which are in Christ Jesus (refers back to Rom. 6:3-5 and our being baptized into His Death, which speaks of the Crucifixion), who walk not after the flesh (depending on one’s personal strength and ability or great religious efforts in order to overcome sin), but after the Spirit (the Holy Spirit works exclusively within the legal confines of the Finished Work of Christ; our Faith in that Finished Work, i.e., “the Cross,”guarantees the help of the Holy Spirit, which guarantees Victory). 2 For the Law (that which we are about to give is a Law of God, devised by the Godhead in eternity past [I Pet. 1:18-20]; this Law, in fact, is “God’s Prescribed Order of Victory”) of the Spirit (Holy Spirit, i.e., “the way the Spirit works”) of Life (all life comes from Christ, but through the Holy Spirit [Jn. 16:13-14]) in Christ Jesus (any time Paul uses this term or one of its derivatives, he is, without fail, referring to what Christ did at the Cross, which makes this “life”possible) has made me free (given me total Victory) from the Law of Sin and Death (these are the two most powerful Laws in the Universe; the “Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus”alone is stronger than the “Law of Sin and Death”; this means that if the Believer attempts to live for God by any manner other than Faith in Christ and the Cross, he is doomed to failure). 3 For what the Law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh (those under Law had only their willpower, which is woefully insufficient; so despite how hard they tried, they were unable to keep the Law then, and the same inability persists presently; any person who tries to live for God by a system of laws is doomed to failure, because the Holy Spirit will not function in that capacity), God sending His Own Son (refers to man’s helpless condition, unable to save himself and unable to keep even a simple Law and, therefore, in dire need of a Saviour) i n the likeness of sinful flesh (this means that Christ was really human, conformed in appearance to flesh which is characterized by sin, but yet sinless), and for sin (to atone for sin, to destroy its power, and to save and Sanctify its victims), condemned sin in the flesh (destroyed the power of sin by giving His Perfect Body as a Sacrifice for sin, which made it possible for sin to be defeated in our flesh; it was all through the Cross): 4 That the Righteousness of the Law might be fulfilled in us (the Law finding its full accomplishment in us can only be done by Faith in Christ, and what Christ has done for us at the Cross), who walk not after the flesh (not after our own strength and ability), but after the Spirit (the word “walk”refers to the manner in which we order our life; when we place our Faith in Christ and the Cross, understanding that all things come from God to us by means of the Cross, ever making it the Object of our Faith, the Holy Spirit can then work mightily within us, bringing about the Fruit of the Spirit; that is what “walking after the Spirit”actually means!). 5 For they who are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh (refers to Believers trying to live for the Lord by means other than Faith in the Cross of Christ); but they who are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit (those who place their Faith in Christ and the Cross, do so exclusively; they are doing what the Spirit desires, which alone can bring Victory).

1 John 2:15-17 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. (The “world”spoken of here by John pertains to the ordered system of which Satan is the head.) If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. (God the Father will not share the love that must go exclusively from Him with the world.) 16 For all that is in the world (there is nothing in the system of this world that is of God), the lust of the flesh (refers to evil cravings), and the lust of the eyes (craves what it sees), and the pride of life (that which trusts its own power and resources, and shamefully despises and violates Divine Laws and human rights), is not of the Father, but is of the world. (These things have the system of the world as their source, not the Heavenly Father.) 17 And the world passes away, and the lust thereof (whatever the allurements of the world, they soon fade): but he who does the Will of God abides forever (the one who keeps on habitually doing the Will of God).

Do you feel like your life is falling apart and have placed your faith in other things to help you relax or to cover your troubles, temporarily but, your life is still falling apart?

You will continue to struggle with life if, you keep looking to other things for your answer and placing your faith in other things. The only answer and solution for your life is exclusively the Cross and that alone, should be the only object of your Faith and not a beer bottle. By rejecting Jesus Christ and the Cross, by continuing to live in sin, by drinking alcohol, by pushing drugs or anything else that is against God, for that matter, you are hindering your spirit from being able to receive the help from God. If there is any sin that you are living in? It can and will hinder you from receiving the help from God. You must Repent of your sins and sinful living, you must turn away from your wicked living and then, only then, God can help you in your time of need. Sin blocks the help of the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ died on the Cross to Save you from your sins and not, in your sins.
Placing your faith in a beer bottle for your life struggles, placing your faith in cigarettes for your life struggles, placing your faith in drugs or in anything else, for your life struggles, totally hinders your soul from getting help, from the Holy Spirit. Those who are after the things that pleases the flesh, is after the flesh and it is evil in the Sight of God. The one who is after the Holy Spirit is Spirit and that pleases God. The things of the world, will keep you from getting the Blessings of God. You cannot walk with God and hold hands with the devil at the same time. The rebelling soul, is a soul that is a follower of Satan and will never get the help of the Holy Spirit.

If you are not Right with God and want the help of the Holy Spirit? It starts with Repentance and denying of yourself and turning away from the trash of the flesh at the Cross through Faith in Jesus Christ.

The Cross is the only answer for your life.

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