Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Book of Galatians Chpt 6 (Restoration) Part 6

Bible Study For 2/24/2014
Book of Galatians Chpt 6 (Restoration) Part 6
[Note to Blog Readers: Expositor’s Notes are in Bold Italic Font]

Many of the Churches around the world, is placing their Faith’s and Belief’s in other things than the Cross. You have some Churches putting their Faith in water Baptism and not the Cross, you have some Churches, wait a minute, I am going to change the word Church to meeting house’s, because that is what it is, we are the Church, not a building, friends. Some people puts Faith in their meeting house’s and not the Cross, you have some placing their Faith in statues, prayer shawls, prayer blankets, and what ever else out their, that make idles out of. The point that I am trying to make here is, that all those things are “Blasphemy”, in the sight of God. Any person who makes anything the Object of their Faith, other than the Cross, is doomed for hell. i know that many of you are probably saying that I am being harsh and judging, thats fine, but you must realize that the Word of God has already placed the Judgment on sin and on you who is living in disobedience. You may not realized this, but If its in the Bible and God has already spoke the Law of Grace, I have every right to preach and share it. Guess what? Every Church that covers the Cross and calls the Cross old fashion, as “Blasphemed the Holy Spirit and already as rejected Jesus Christ, and approves of same sex relations and marriages and is considered, seeker sensitive and not only that, those meeting houses and on going sinners in those meeting houses, including the pastors for allowing it to go on, is doomed, and you know what that means. In case you have forgotten, go back through our last study in Chapter 5, to get your memory refreshed, not only that, we will see it again in this study as well. Lets get started with chapter 6.

Galatians 6:1-18 (KJV)
1 Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault (pertains to moral failure, and is brought about because one has ignorantly placed himself under Law; such a position guarantees failure), you who are spiritual (refers to those who understand God’s Prescribed Order of Victory, which is the Cross), restore such an one (tell him he failed because of reverting to Law, and that Victory can be his by placing his Faith totally in the Cross, Which then gives the Holy Spirit latitude to work, Who Alone can give the Victory) in the spirit of meekness (never with an overbearing, holier than thou attitude); considering thyself, lest you also be tempted (the implication is that if we do not handle such a case Scripturally we, thereby, open the door for Satan to attack us in the same manner as he did the failing brother). 2 Bear ye one another's burdens (refers to sharing the heartache and shame of one who has spiritually failed), and so fulfil the law of Christ (which is Love!). 3 For if a man think himself to be something, when he is nothing (refers to a Believer who puts himself above the one who has failed in his own eyes), he deceives himself. (This presents the one who has conceited idea he is morally and spiritually superior to what he actually is.) 4 But let every man prove his own work (to put his Faith in the Cross to the test for the purpose of approving, which is done by seeing how well one obeys the Word of the Lord), and then shall he have rejoicing in himself alone (the spiritual man sees himself as he really is, totally dependent on Christ and the Cross), and not in another. (He will not then be rejoicing over the other man’s failure.) 5 For every man shall bear his own burden. (When each Believer sees his own failings, which we all have, he will have no inclination to compare himself with others, at least as it regards a superior position.) 6 Let him that is taught in the word (refers to the act of receiving instruction) communicate unto him that teaches in all good things. (Let us not make the load of the God-called Teacher heavier by hindering him in some way, but rather let us encourage him.) 7 Be not deceived (refers to the fact that a Believer can definitely be deceived; Paul is speaking primarily of Believers allowing false teachers to move their Faith from the Cross to other things); God is not mocked (God, in fact, is mocked when we substitute something else in the place of the Cross): for whatsoever a man sows, that shall he also reap (the Law of sowing and reaping, which will unfailingly come to pass). 8 For he that sows to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption (those who make something else the object of their Faith, rather than the Cross, which means they are now depending on self-will); but he that sows to the Spirit (does so by trusting exclusively in Christ and what Christ did at the Cross) shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting (God’s Prescribed Order of Victory). 9 And let us not be weary in well doing (Paul continues to speak of “sowing to the Spirit”): for in due season we shall reap (in God’s Time, our Faith in Christ and the Cross will not go unrewarded, but will bring forth exactly that which is Promised by the Lord), if we faint not. (Many start the race, but do not finish. They give up after a while, exclaiming that the “Cross” doesn’t work. Let all know and understand that we might fail, but the Cross never fails!) 10 As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men (the Holy Spirit will help us do this, providing our Faith is ever in the Cross; otherwise, we will fail), especially unto them who are of the household of faith. (There are many who are of the Faith, but really do not understand the Faith, so they walk in defeat. We are to give them the Message of the Cross, in order that they may walk in perpetual Victory [Rom. 8:2].) 11 You see how large a letter I have written unto you with my own hand. ( This refers to the fact that Paul had written the entirety of the Epistle to the Galatians himself, which he normally did not do. Scribes generally wrote as he dictated, with him writing the postscript and signing his name.) 12 As many as desire to make a fair show in the flesh, they constrain you to be circumcised (the Judaizers were attempting to get the Galatians to embrace the Law along with Christ); only lest they should suffer persecution for the cross of Christ. (The Message of the Cross brings forth persecution from both the world and the Church. It strikes at the very heart of all spiritual pride and self-righteousness.) 13 For neither they themselves who are circumcised keep the law (engaging in the rite of Circumcision, which was the Seal of the Law of Moses, didn’t help anyone keep the Law); but desire to have you circumcised, that they may glory in your flesh. (Many in the Church glory in self-effort, but few glory in the Cross because it puts self-effort in its proper place.) 14 But God forbid that I should glory (boast), save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ (what the opponents of Paul sought to escape at the price of insincerity is Apostle’s only basis of exultation), by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world. (The only way we can overcome the world, and I mean the only way, is by placing our Faith exclusively in the Cross of Christ and keeping it there.) 15 For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision (blows all of man’s religious ceremonies to pieces), but a new creature (new in every respect, which can only be brought about by trusting Christ and what He did for us at the Cross). 16 And as many as walk (to direct one’s life, to order one’s conduct) according to this rule (the principle of the Cross), peace be on them, and mercy (which comes only by means of the Cross), and upon the Israel of God. (This refers to all who look to the Cross for their Redemption. They alone are the true Israel.) 17 From henceforth let no man trouble me (don’t listen to these false teachers): for I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus. (This concerns the persecution he suffered because of the “offence of the Cross” [Gal. 5:11].) 18 Brethren, the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ (which comes by our Faith in the Cross) be with your spirit. (We worship the Lord in Spirit and in Truth, and the Cross is that Truth.) Amen.

Romans 8:2 (KJV)
2 For the law (that which we are about to give is a Law of God, devised by the Godhead in eternity past [1 Pet. 1:18-20]; this Law, in fact, is “God’s Prescribed Order of Victory”) of the Spirit (Holy Spirit, i.e., “the way the Spirit works”) of life (all life comes from Christ, but through the Holy Spirit [Jn. 16:13-14]) in Christ Jesus (any time Paul uses this term or one of its derivatives, he is, without fail, referring to what Christ did at the Cross, which makes this “life” possible) hath made me free (given me total Victory) from the law of sin and death (these are the two most powerful Laws in the Universe; the “Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus” alone is stronger than the “Law of Sin and Death”; this means that if the Believer attempts to live for God by any manner other than Faith in Christ and the Cross, he is doomed for failure).

Galatians 5:11 (KJV)
11 And I, brethren, if I yet preach circumcision, why do I yet suffer persecution? (Any message other than the Cross draws little opposition.) then is the offence of the cross ceased. (The Cross offends the world and most of the Church. So if the preacher ceases to preach the Cross as the Only way of Salvation and Victory, then opposition and persecution will cease. But so will Salvation!)

1 Peter 1:18-20 (KJV)
18 Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold (presents the fact that the most precious commodities [silver and gold] could not redeem fallen man), from your vain conversation (vain lifestyle) received by tradition from your fathers (speaks of original sin that is passed on from father to child at conception); 19 But with the precious blood of Christ (presents the payment, which proclaims the poured out Life of Christ on behalf of the sinners), as of a lamb without blemish and without spot (speaks of the lambs offered as substitutes in the Old Jewish economy; the Death of Christ was not an execution or assassination, but rather a Sacrifice; the Offering of Himself presented a Perfect Sacrifice, for He was Perfect in Every Respect [ex12:5]): 20 Who verily was foreordained before the foundation of the world ( refers to the fact that God,in His Omniscience, knew He would create man, man would fall, and man would be redeemed by Christ going to the Cross; this was all done before the Universe was created; this means the Cross of Christ is the Foundation Doctrine of all Doctrine, referring to the fact that all Doctrine must be built upon that Foundation, or else it is specious) , but was manifest in these last times for you (refers to the invisible God Who, in the Person of the Son, was made visible to human eyesight by assuming a human body and human limitations),

Exodus 12:5 (KJV)
5 Your lamb shall be without blemish (Christ was without blemish, Who the lamb represented, “holy, heartless, undefiled”  - - a “lamb without spot”  [1 Pet. 1:19]), a male of the first year (meant to portray the virtue manhood of Christ; in other words, He didn't die in the throes of old age, but rather in the prime of manhood): you shall take it out from the sheep, or from the goats (the “goats” then represented were different from our goats presently; then they were very similar to the sheep, actually, with their long flowing mane, even more beautiful than the sheep):

1 Peter 1:19 (KJV)
19 But with the precious blood of Christ (presents the payment, which proclaims the poured out Life of Christ on behalf of the sinners), as of a lamb without blemish and without spot (speaks of the lambs offered as substitutes in the Old Jewish economy; the Death of Christ was not an execution or assassination, but rather a Sacrifice; the Offering of Himself presented a Perfect Sacrifice, for He was Perfect in Every Respect [ex12:5]):

John 16:13-14 (KJV)
13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come (which He did on the Day of Pentecost), he will guide you into all truth (if our Faith is properly placed in Christ and the Cross, the Holy Spirit can then bring forth Truth to us; He doesn’t guide into some truth, but rather “all Truth”): for he shall not speak of himself (tells us not only What He does, but Whom He represents); but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak (doesn’t refer to lack of knowledge, for the Holy Spirit is God, rather He will proclaim the Work of Christ Only): and he will shew you things to come (pertains to the New Covenant, which would shortly be given). 14 He shall glorify me (will portray Christ and what Christ did at the Cross for dying humanity): for he shall receive of mine (the benefits of the Cross), and shall shew it unto you (which He did, when He gave these Great Truths to the Apostle Paul [Rom., Chpts. 6-8, etc.])

The person who puts their Faith in something else, other than the Cross is doomed. I know of several t.v. evangelist’s that are doomed, I will not mention their names, but I am sure some of you know the Word of God and watches the corrupted network, can figure out who they are. I know of one who say’s that there are one Salvation for Christians and another way for Salvation for the “Jews”, meaning that he is saying that there are two ways of Salvation. That is Blasphemy, if he does not repent and turn away from that false doctrine, he is doomed. There are some on this network that I am talking about, says that gay’s and lesbians will go to Heaven, that is also “Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit”. If they do not repent, including the so called preacher’s, if they do not repent and turn away from the false doctrine and lies from Satan, they will be doomed. They all are placing their Faith in something else, instead of placing their Faith in the Cross. Friends, do you want to be Saved and make it to Heaven? You then need to deny yourselves, meaning to die to sin. That is the start of it. Come as you are, to the Cross. Here is what Saves, accept Jesus Christ into your hearts, believe in Jesus Christ, the Cross and Him Crucified, you then will be Baptized by the Holy Ghost. This is the reborn again experience. “You then are Saved and Heaven Bound”. Come to the Cross and get right with God today. Lets Pray.

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