Bible Study For 5/17/2014
Book of Romans Chapter 3 (The Jew) Bible Study
[Note to Blog Readers: Expositor Notes Are in Bold Italic Font]

Already, from this lesson, I can tell who is in great danger of losing their souls in hell, just from what we have read last week and from putting this study together as well. Many of the Churches are hanging on to the Mosaic Law, which would be like, Works. Works is like when a Church says that you have to be Water Baptized to be Saved and to make it to Heaven, that my friends, is Works and it does not Save anyone, your just going to be a dry sinner, coming up as a wet sinner. Hanging on the ten commandments, if you believe in that alone and you break just one sin from it, you will be doomed. That is the old Law, I would rather Live under the new covenant, which is by the Grace of God, that and the Cross is what Saves, not works in Water Baptism. With the new covenant, you are Saved by Faith and by Believing in Jesus Christ, the Cross and Him Crucified. The Blood of Jesus Christ did away with the old Mosaic Law, even though, after being Saved, you will be Baptized by the Holy Ghost and Saved. Being Water Baptized is something that should be done by the Believer, out of obedience to God. If you are performing Baptism services immediately after saying a few words, every Sunday, the preacher is not just sinning every Sunday, he is also Blasphemed the Holy Ghost, by rushing the Holy Spirit of God and doing Water Baptisms, out of compulsion. This is a Big NO, NO, according to the Word of God. By these “Preachers”, teaching false doctrine and not Preaching from the Only True Word of God, which is the King James Bible, is Blasphemy to God, but is leading millions of souls to hell, including their very own souls. All Liars will have their place in the lake of Fire. People say that we are not to Judge, they are right, if they are talking about motives. We are to Judge bad fruit, which is righteous Judgments. I can tell and see, that this world is very seeker sensitive, to the Word of God. The reason is, because the world does not want to hear the Truth and so called “Preachers”, don’t want to share the Truth, because they don’t want to offend no one. wake up Pastors, you are heading for hell and your leading your congregations there, by teaching false gospels, that are not from the Word of God. You still can be Saved, only if you repent and turn to the King James, which is the preserved Word of God. This is funny, I know of a Church leader, I am not going to mention their names or their position in their Church, but from a friend of mine was approached by this person and told him that he is going to hell for going to a the Church that my friend started going too. My friend and Brother in Christ, told this individual the Truth, from the Word of God, he said it would be you for teaching false doctrine. My friend is right, 100 percent. Whenever, a person insults one of God’s children, that insulter also insults God. The insulter is doomed, unless he repents to God and to that person, that he insulted. That is also Blasphemy against the Holy Ghost.
We will be talking about Repentance in scripture as well. I know that many, not all, but some may feel guilty in their hearts, after reading and discussing this study. Friends, if your not living right after Repenting, with no change in your heart, mind, soul and with your walk with God? You will be doomed. God send no one to hell, you do. By your false actions, false activities, by your foul language, by drinking alcohol, by being lustful in anything, being prideful and being proud, by getting tattoos and body piercing’s. These things rejects Jesus Christ, the Cross and Him Crucified. You are just hurting yourselves, worse of all, your hurting God, by your selfishness of Rejecting Him. Friends, there is no such thing as once Saved, always Saved. If you are living under the Mosaic Law? You better not break it, you better keep the ten Commandments. If you don’t you will end in hell. As you will learn in these Bible studies, it is the Saint, which is a born again Christian, lives by Faith in the Cross and what Jesus Christ did at the Cross, are the ones who will be Saved, due to the New Covenant Law, which is Grace, Saving Grace of God. We Pray that you will come to read the Word of God, with an open mind, heart, soul and spirit, so you may be filled with the Holy Ghost and become saved. Lets get Started.
1 What advantage then has the Jew? (This proclaims the Apostle asking such after he has shown that the mere possession of the Law does not exempt the Jew from Judgment.) or what profit is there of Circumcision? (The rite of Circumcision symbolizes the entirety of the Law.) 2 Much every way (proclaims tremendous advantages, but none which could save their souls, other than simple Faith in Christ and the Cross, which all the Sacrifices of the Law symbolized): chiefly, because that unto them were committed the Oracles of God (presents the title for the Old Testament as given by the Holy Spirit). 3 For what if some did not believe? (This proclaims the unbelief which rejected the Bible, but by no means nullified its Truthfulness.) shall their unbelief make the Faith of God without effect? (The unbelief of Israel in no way affected the Great Plan that God has provided for humanity, which is built on the premise of Faith.) 4 God forbid (proclaims Paul’s answer to the questions of Verse 3): yes, let God be true, but every man a liar (shows us that the problem is always of man, never of God); as it is written, That you might be justified in your sayings, and might overcome when you are judged ([Ps. 51:4] this statement is from David’s Repentance regarding the matter of Uriah, in which David absolves God from all blame and takes the blame on himself; this is a pattern for True Repentance). 5 But if our unrighteousness commend the Righteousness of God, what shall we say? (In no way does this mean that God places an approval upon sin of any nature.) Is God unrighteous Who takes vengeance? (The answer is “No!”) (I speak as a man) (This is meant apologetically in that only a foolish man would ask such a question.) 6 God forbid (once again serves as Paul’s answer to the preposterous question of the previous Verse): for then how shall God Judge the world? (This is the Great White Throne Judgment [Rev. 20:11-15]. The fact that this Judgment cannot be avoided means the hypothesis of man is foolish indeed.) 7 For if the Truth of God has more abounded through my lie unto His Glory (is meant to be answered in the negative, for such a thing cannot be done); why yet am I also judged as a sinner? (This is meant to portray the foolishness of such thinking.) 8 And not rather, (as we be slanderously reported, and as some affirm that we say,) Let us do evil, that good may come? (This presents the reason Paul is addressing this subject. Because of his strong teaching on Grace, his detractors were slandering him by claiming he was teaching something he wasn’t.) whose damnation is just (proclaims the Apostle saying that those who report such slander are liable to a just damnation). 9 What then? are we better than they? (Are Jews better than Gentiles?) No, in no wise: for we have before proved both Jews and Gentiles, that they are all under sin (points to the supposed claim of the Jews of superiority, which is refuted); 10 As it is written (Ps. 14:1-3), There is none righteous, no, not one (addresses the complaint of the Jews and clinches the argument with the Scriptures, which the Jews could not deny): 11 There is none who understands (proclaims total depravity), there is none who seek after God (man left on his own will not seek God and, in fact, cannot seek God; he is spiritually dead). 12 They are all gone out of the Way (speaks of the lost condition of all men; the “Way” is God’s Way), they are together become unprofitable (refers to the terrible loss in every capacity of wayward man); there is none who does good, no, not one (the Greek Text says, “useless!”). 13 Their throat is an open sepulcher (the idea is of an open grave, with the rotting remains sending forth a putrid stench); with their tongues they have used deceit (speaks of guile, deception, hypocrisy, etc.); the poison of asps is under their lips (man cannot be trusted in anything he says): 14 Whose mouth is full of cursing (wishing someone evil or hurt) and bitterness (bitter and reproachful language): 15 Their feet are swift to shed blood (the world is filled with murder, killing, and violence): 16 Destruction and misery are in their ways (all brought about by sin): 17 And the way of peace have they not known (and cannot know until Christ returns): 18 There is no fear of God before their eyes (there is no fear of God, because unbelieving man does not know God). 19 Now we know that what things soever the Law says, it says to them who are under the Law (is meant first of all to inform the Jews that Verses 10 through 18 apply to them as well as the Gentiles): that every mouth may be stopped (the Gentiles were claiming ignorance, while the Jews were claiming exception from Judgment), and all the world may become guilty before God (states the case exactly as it is, meaning all need a Saviour). 20 Therefore by the deeds of the Law there shall no flesh be justified in His sight (should read, “by works of the Law”): for by the Law is the knowledge of sin (the Law in itself was only meant to define sin, it in no way delivered from sin, nor was it designed to do so!). 21 But now the Righteousness of God without the Law is manifested (should read, “apart from Law”, i.e., “from works of merit”), being witnessed by the Law and the Prophets (Testimony of the Law to the Divine Principle of Justification by Faith is found in Gen. 15:6; the Testimony of the Prophets in Hab. 2:4); 22 Even the Righteousness of God which is by Faith of Jesus Christ (concerns Imputed Righteousness, and tells how it is obtained) unto all and upon all them who believe (the criteria is believing, and believing in Christ and Him Crucified): for there is no difference (Salvation is by Faith, whether the person is a Jew or a Gentile): 23 For all have sinned (presents all men placed in the same category), and come short of the Glory of God (the Greek Text infers that even the most Righteous among us continue to come short of the Glory of God on a continuing basis); 24 Being justified freely by His Grace (made possible by the Cross) through the Redemption that is in Christ Jesus (carried out at the Cross): 25 Whom God has set forth to be a propitiation (Atonement or Reconciliation) through Faith in His Blood (again, all of this is made possible by the Cross), to declare His Righteousness for the remission of sins that are past (refers to all who trusted Christ before He actually came, which covers the entirety of the time from the Garden of Eden to the moment Jesus died on the Cross), through the forbearance (tolerance) of God (meaning that God tolerated the situation before Calvary, knowing the debt would be fully paid at that time); 26 To declare, I say, at this time His Righteousness (refers to God’s Righteousness which must be satisfied at all time, and is in Christ and only Christ): that He (God) might be just (not overlooking sin in any manner), and the Justifier of him which believes in Jesus (God can justify a believing [although guilty] sinner, and His Holiness not be impacted, providing the sinner’s Faith is exclusively in Christ; only in this manner can God be “just” and at the same time “Justify” the sinner). 27 Where is boasting then? (This refers primarily to the Jews boasting of themselves as a result of the Law of God given to them, but the principle is true for modern Christians as well!) It is excluded (not only means that God will not accept such boasting [outside of Christ], but that it actually serves to keep one from Salvation). By what Law? of works? (In a sense, this tells us where and how the boasting, God will not accept, originates). No: but by the Law of Faith (refers to trust exclusively in Christ and what He did at the Cross; Faith in Christ and Him Crucified is more than a principle; it is a Law, meaning that God will not deviate at all from this proclamation). 28 Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by Faith (and only by Faith, with the Cross ever being the Object of such Faith) without the deeds of the Law (faith in works is out). 29 Is He the God of the Jews only? is He not also of the Gentiles? Yes, of the Gentiles also (it is one Salvation for all, and all gain this Salvation by Faith): 30 Seeing it is One God, which shall justify the Circumcision by Faith (places the Jew on the same level as the Gentile), and uncircumcision through faith (Jews and Gentiles are all Saved alike, through Faith in Christ and what Christ has done at the Cross). 31 Do we then make void the Law (Law of Moses) through faith? God forbid: yes, we establish the Law (the Law ever pointed to Faith in Christ).
Psalms 51:4 (KJV)
4 Against You, You only, have I sinned, and done this evil in Your sight: that You might be justified when You speak, and be clear when You judge. (While David’s sins were against Bath-sheba, her husband Uriah, and all of Israel, still, the ultimate direction of sin, perfected by Satan, is always against God. All sin is a departure from God’s Ways to man’s ways. David is saying that God is always “justified” in any action that He takes, and His “judgment” is always perfect.)
Revelation 20:11-15 (KJV)
11 And I saw a Great White Throne (proclaims the final Judgment of the unredeemed, which will take place at the end of the Kingdom Age), and Him Who sat on it (proclaims none other than God; however, we must understand that it is the Person of the Godhead, the Lord Jesus Christ [Mat. 25:31]; He is the Saviour today; He will be the Judge tomorrow), from Whose face the Earth and the Heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them. (This means a New Heaven and New Earth are in the offing.) 12 And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God (pertains to the second Resurrection, the Resurrection of Damnation [I Cor., Chpt. 15; I Thess. 4:13-18; Jn. 5:29]); and the Books were opened: and another Book was opened, which is the Book of Life: and the dead were Judged out of those things which were written in the Books, according to their works (proclaims the manner of Judgment). 13 And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and Hell delivered up the dead which were in them (points to the fact that every unredeemed person who has ever lived will face the Great White Throne Judgment; none will be exempted): and they were Judged every man according to their works (records the fact that this Judgment is not arbitrary, but is based on absolute Justice). 14 And death and Hell were cast into the Lake of Fire (combined, includes the wicked of all ages). This is the second death (Eternal separation from God and the Lake of Fire). 15 And whosoever was not found written in the Book of Life (refers to the record of all the unredeemed) was cast into the Lake of Fire. (This includes every single individual who isn’t Redeemed, beginning with Adam and Eve. That is, if they didn’t come back to God.)
Matthew 25:31 (KJV)
31 When the Son of Man shall come in His glory, and all the Holy Angels with Him, then shall He sit upon the Throne of His glory (the Second Coming):
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 (KJV)
13 But I would not have you to be ignorant, Brethren, concerning them which are asleep (refers to Believers who have died), that you sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. (This concerns those who do not know the Lord who will have no part in the First Resurrection of Life and, therefore, no hope for Heaven.) 14 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again (the very Foundation of Christianity is the Death and Resurrection of Christ; it is the proof of life after death in a glorified state for all Saints in that life, which incidentally will never end), even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with Him. (This refers to the Rapture of the Church, or the Resurrection of all Believers, with both phrases meaning the same thing, even as Paul describes in I Cor., Chpt. 15. At death, the soul and the spirit of the Child of God instantly go to be with Jesus [Phil. 1:23], while the physical body goes back to dust. At the Rapture, God will replace what was the physical body with a Glorified Body, united with the soul and the spirit. In fact, the soul and the spirit of each individual will accompany the Lord down close to this Earth to be united with a Glorified Body, which will then make the Believer whole.) 15 For this we say unto you by the Word of the Lord (presents the Doctrine of the Rapture of the Church as the “Word of the Lord”), that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord (all Believers who are alive at the Rapture) shall not prevent them which are asleep. (This refers to the fact that the living Saints will not precede or go before the dead Saints.) 16 For the Lord Himself shall descend from Heaven with a shout (refers to “the same Jesus” which the Angels proclaimed in Acts 1:11), with the voice of the Archangel (refers to Michael, the only one referred to as such [Jude, Vs. 9]), and with the Trump of God (doesn’t exactly say God will personally blow this Trumpet, but that it definitely does belong to Him, whoever does signal the blast): and the dead in Christ shall rise first (the criteria for being ready for the Rapture is to be “in Christ,” which means that all who are truly Born-Again will definitely go in the Rapture): 17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up (Raptured) together with them (the Resurrected dead) in the clouds (clouds of Saints, not clouds as we normally think of such), to meet the Lord in the air (the Greek word for “air” is “aer,” and refers to the lower atmosphere, or from about 6,000 feet down; so, the Lord will come at least within 6,000 feet of the Earth, perhaps even lower, with all the Saints meeting Him there; but He, at that time, will not come all the way to the Earth, that awaiting the Second Coming, which will be seven or more years later): and so shall we ever be with the Lord. (This presents the greatest meeting humanity will have ever known.) 18 Wherefore comfort one another with these words. (This pertains to the future of the Child of God, which is Glorious indeed!)
Philippians 1:23 (KJV)
23 For I am in a strait betwixt two (refers to equal pressure being exerted from both sides; he is speaking here of his personal desires, and not necessarily that which the Lord would desire; however, he has already made it clear his personal will is to be swallowed up in the sweet Will of God), having a desire to depart, and to be with Christ; which is far better (the centerpiece of all of this is Christ; if one draws any other conclusions, one misses the point entirely):
Acts 1:11 (KJV)
11 Which also said, You men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into Heaven? (This does not mean that it was only men who were present, but rather that this was a common term used for both men and women.) this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into Heaven (refers to the same Human Body with the nail prints in His Hands and Feet, etc.), shall so come in like manner as you have seen Him go into Heaven (refers to the same place, which is the Mount of Olivet).
Jude 1:9 (KJV)
9 Yet Michael the Archangel (no other Angel bears the title of Archangel, as recorded; there are others who are Chief Angels, and Michael is only one of them [Dan. 10:13]), when contending with the Devil he disputed about the body of Moses (after the death of Moses, Satan demanded the body of the Lawgiver which was denied him by Michael, the Archangel), did not bring against him (against Satan) a railing accusation, but said, The Lord rebuke you (a “railing accusation” would have placed Michael on the same level with the Devil to which the great Archangel would not stoop, and rightly so!).
Daniel 10:13 (KJV)
13 But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one and twenty days: but, lo, Michael, one of the Chief Princes, came to help me; and I remained there with the kings of Persia. (“The prince of the kingdom of Persia,” refers to an evil angel appointed by Satan to control the Persian Government, which, of course, was done without the knowledge of its earthly king. This Passage appears to reveal that Satan places an agent in charge of every nation [fallen angel]; and, if so, this may explain national hatreds and national movements. Similarly, God has His Angelic Agents operating in opposition to Satan’s. The conflict of Eph., Chpt. 6 and the Battle of Rev., Chpt. 12 harmonize with this supposition.)
John 5:29 (KJV)
29 And shall come forth (portrays both Resurrections as we shall see, and according to His “Voice”); they who have done good, unto the Resurrection of Life (pertains to the First Resurrection, or as commonly referred, “The Rapture” [I Thess. 4:13-18]); and they who have done evil, unto the Resurrection of Damnation (this last Resurrection will take place approximately a thousand years after the First Resurrection of Life [Dan. 12:2; Rev., Chpt. 20]).
Psalms 14:1-3 (KJV)
1 The fool has said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none who does good (the “fool” is the Antichrist, along with all who will follow him; despite all of their promises to “do good,” they will do no good at all, only great harm). 2 The LORD looked down from Heaven upon the children of men, to see if there were any who did understand, and seek God. (During the Great Tribulation, due to the fact that the Church has been raptured away, there will not be many on Earth living for God, at least according to the entirety of the population. The word “looked” means literally to bow Himself over to get a better and closer examination of men and their wicked ways. Most of these Psalms have a threefold application:
1. They apply to the matter at hand, whatever it might be;
2. They apply to every Believer who reads them; and,
3. They have a prophetic meaning, with many of them pointing toward the coming Antichrist and Israel’s coming problems.). 3 They are all gone aside, they are all together become filthy: there is none who does good, no, not one (applies to the whole human race, with the only solution being Christ and what He did at the Cross).
Genesis 15:6 (KJV)
6 And he (Abraham) believed in the LORD (exercised Faith, believing what the Lord told him); and He (the Lord) counted it to him (Abraham) for Righteousness. (This is one of the single most important Scriptures in the entirety of the Word of God. In this simple term, “Abraham believed the LORD,” we find the meaning of Justification by Faith. Abraham was Saved by Grace through Faith, not by his good works. There is no other way of Salvation anywhere in the Bible. God demands Righteousness; however, it is the Righteousness afforded strictly by Christ and Christ Alone. Anything else is self-righteousness, and totally unacceptable to God. Directly the sinner believes God’s Testimony about His Beloved Son, he is not only declared righteous, but he is made a son and an heir.)
Habakkuk 2:4 (KJV)
4 Behold, his soul which is lifted up is not upright in him: but the just shall live by his Faith. (The first phrase of this Verse speaks of one who is proud, presumptuous, thinking much of himself, despising others, and who is not straightforward and upright before God. As such, he carries in himself the seeds of destruction. “But the just shall live by his Faith,” implies a loving trust in God, confident in His Promises, resulting in due performance of His Will. This Passage can be translated, “As to the just, through his Faith, he shall live.” This is the great Passage used by the Apostle Paul on the basis of his great argument of Faith versus works [Rom. 1:17].)
Romans 1:17 (KJV)
17 For therein (through the Cross) is the Righteousness of God (Right with God) revealed from faith to faith (“from Faith” relates to God as the Provider and “to Faith” relates to man as the receiver): as it is written, The just shall live by Faith (proclaims Paul showing that Righteousness by Faith is no new idea, but found in the Prophets [Hab. 2:4]).
Lets close in Prayer.